2018中国国际大数据产业博览会突出“全球视野、国家高度、产业视角、企业立场”的办会理念,坚持“国际化、专业化、高端化、产业化、可持续化”原则,在“数据创造价值 创新驱动未来”的大会主题下,以“数化万物 智在融合”为年度主题,举办“同期两会、一展、一赛及系列活动”。“同期两会”即中国国际大数据产业博览会与中国电子商务创新发展峰会(以下简称电商峰会)同期举办,其中,数博会包含1场高峰会议、开(闭)幕式、8场高端对话、50余场专业论坛,电商峰会包含1场主论坛、8场分论坛、年度盛典以及CEO沙龙活动。“一展”即中国国际大数据产业博览会专业展,展览面积达6万平方米,共设置了国际综合馆、数字应用馆、前沿技术馆、数字硬件馆、国际双创馆、数字体验馆及“一带一路”国际合作伙伴城市展区。“一赛”即2018中国国际大数据融合创新·人工智能全球大赛。“系列活动”即在数博会期间以企业为主举办的各类活动、大数据发展成果观摩、“数博会之旅”、“数谷之夜”、系列成果发布展示等活动。

Italy-China Opportunities of Collaboration in the Big Data Sector: Healthcare and Public Administration
Organizing Committee of China International Big Data Industry Expo
Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing
Italian Chamber of Commerce in China
Agency for Digital Italy (AGID)
Città della Scienza di Napoli (CDS)
2018年5月27日 14:00--18:00
贵阳国际生态会议中心2 楼会议室6
Conference Room 6, 2/F, Guiyang International Eco-Conference Center
“中意大数据合作机遇:医疗及公共政务”论坛旨在促进中意两国之间的科学和产业合作。 论坛的目标是制定有效且高效的数据开发方法,以改善公共服务,特别是针对公众健康的服务。意大利国家卫生系统被誉为世界上最高效的卫生体系之一。 这既得益于意大利的文化传统,同时也代表着医学知识与先进技术之间进行协同作用的一种务实和现代的方法。2017年,意大利政府批准了开发公共管理信息系统开的参考模型。 它采用基于后端和前端分离架构的方法对公共数据进行收集和管理。 数据层面采用开放的逻辑和标准,有利于实施使公共和私人参与者能够对数据进行访问的安全和隐私规则。在数据实施层面,政府已经投资5亿欧元向公共管理部门提供基本的“大数据”服务以及主管部门之间交换数据和信息的服务,包含“as-a-service”和“on-premise”模式。 这些服务还实现了由异构资源生成的数据和元数据的整合,从而使数据在公共服务的各个部门(环境,交通,智能城市以及健康领域)的应用得以发展。在过去几年中,意大利一直致力于电子健康记录(EHR)的发展和传播。作为数字健康生态系统的核心要素,意大利的电子健康记录系统能够记录病人的病史,并将生物医学设备和未经医疗用途认证的个人设备产生的大量数据联系起来。 最近,意大利已经启动了将档案数据用作科研和临床资源的解决方案的设计。 欧洲数据议程中的欧洲共同体也侧重于利用大数据“加速科学进步”和“实现国家卫生系统的可持续性”。意大利政府致力于数字医疗生态系统的发展,并得到学术届和产业界的大力支持。 此次论坛旨在促进与中国优秀专家的友好对话,促进知识交流和共同关心的项目的开展。
The "Italy-China: opportunities for collaboration in the Big Data sector: healthcare and public administration" forum aims to promote scientific and industrial collaboration between the two countries. The Forum has the shared aim to develop effective and efficient methods of exploitation of data and knowledge to improve public services and, in particular, the health of citizens.The Italian national health system is rated among the most efficient in the world. That's the result of a cultural tradition of solidarity, but also of a pragmatic and modern approach that exploits the synergy between medical knowledge and the most advanced technological skills.
In 2017 the Italian government approved a reference model for the development of the information system of the entire Public Administration. It adopts an architectural approach based on the separation of back-end and front-end levels and which includes a level of collection and management of public data. The data level adopts open logic and standards that favor the implementation of the security and privacy rules that enable access to data by public and private actors.In order to implement the data level, the Government has awarded a contract, worth � 500 million, which offers to the public administrations the fundamental "big data" services, as well as services for the exchange of data and information between Administrations, both in "as-a-service" and "on-premise" mode. The services also realize the integration of data and metadata generated by heterogeneous sources, so enabling the development of applications in all sectors of the public service: environment, transport, smart cities and of course health.In last years, Italy's commitment has focused on the development and dissemination of the Electronic Health Record (EHR), a central element of the digital health ecosystem. The Italian EHR virtually collects the patient's history and can also relate the large amounts of data produced by biomedical equipment and personal devices not certified for medical use. More recently, the design of solutions to use dossier data as a resource for scientific research and clinical governance purposes has been launched. The European Community in the European Digital Agenda also focused on the use of big data to "accelerate scientific progress" and for the "sustainability of national health systems".The development of the digital health ecosystem is addressed by the Government and is supported by the academic and industrial excellences in the Italian Country. The Forum aims to promote a friendly dialogue with Chinese excellences, promote the exchange of knowledge and the launching of projects of common interest
倪飞/Filippo Nicosia意大利驻重庆总领事馆 Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing 总领事 Consul General
龚卓龙/Lorenzo Gonzo意大利驻重庆总领事馆 Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing 科技参赞 Science and Technology Counsellor
恩佐·乐非/Enzo le Fevre意大利国家数字化署 Agency for Digital Italy (AgiD) 高级国际关系高级专家 Senior Expert International Relations
斯特法诺·范德比/Stefano Van Der Bijl意大利国家数字化署 Agency for Digital Italy (AgiD) 电子健康高级专家 Senior Expert eHealth
安东尼·皮卡列罗/Antonio Picariello不勒斯腓特烈二世大学 University of Naples Federico II 意大利国家校际信息联盟-计算机科学、网络及多媒体国家实验室 CINI – ITEM NATIONAL LAB 教授Professor 主任 Director
维琴佐·莫斯卡托/Vicenzo Moscato那不勒斯腓特烈二世大学 University of Naples Federico II 副教授 Associate Professor
克劳迪奥·艾凯 Claudio EccherBruno Kessler研究基金会 Bruno Kessler Foundation 研究员 Researcher
乔尔乔·古泽塔/Giorgio GuzzettaBruno Kessler研究基金会 Bruno Kessler Foundation 研究员 Researcher
杨一帆西南交通大学国际老龄科学研究院 National Interdisciplinary Institute on Ageing 副院长 Vice Dean
保罗·葛内拉·巴葛迪/Paolo Gonella Pacchiotti意法半导体集团 ST Microelectronics 高级业务发展总监 Senior Director Business Development
凌斌意大利泰迪罗健康系统(上海)有限公司 Dedalus Healthcare (Shanghai) Co., Ltd 副总裁 Vice President
1. 研讨会:活动呈现
2. 促进中意两国之间在大数据医疗领域应用的研究合作;
3. 中意两国电子公共政务系统对比;
4. 加深中国市场对于意大利eHealth企业技术的认知。

